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ethan allen artinya

contoh kalimat "ethan allen"
  • Ethan Allen done what he came to do, and returned to the drawing room.
    Ethan Allen akhirnya selesai dengan keperluannya, ..dan kembali ke ruang tamu.
  • This is a turkey in Wisconsin on the premises of the Ethan Allen juvenile correctional institution.
    Ayam kalkun di Wisconsin di dalam penjara remaja Ethan Allen.
  • That's what Ethan Allen called out to the commander of Fort Ticonderoga in 1776.
    Itu adalah.. Itu adalah seruan Ethan Allen kepada komandan benteng Ticonderogain tahun 1776.
  • And Ethan Allen went to London to help our new country conduct its business with the King.
    ..dan, hmm.. Ethan Allen pergi ke London untuk membantu.. ..negara baru kita untuk menjalankan bisnisnya dengan raja.
  • Ethan Allen published the first American defense of deism, Reason, The Only Oracle of Man (1784), but deism remained primarily a philosophy of the educated elite.
    Ethan Allen menerbitkan karya Amerika pertama yang mendukung deisme, Oracles of Reason (1784), walaupun deisme cenderung menjadi pegangan para elit terpelajar.
  • Shortly after the American Revolutionary War broke out in April 1775, a small enterprising force led by Ethan Allen and Benedict Arnold captured the key Fort Ticonderoga on May 10.
    Segera setelah Perang Revolusi Amerika meletus pada April 1775, tentara kecil yang dipimpin oleh Ethan Allen dan Benedict Arnold merebut Benteng Ticonderoga pada 10 Mei.